Cambridge HR

Cambridge Academy has a ‘people-oriented’ approach that sees people as the most important value. It uses human resources systems that are suitable for targets and strategies in line with creating an employee profile that is expert, highly motivated, socially competent, adds value, manages human resources correctly, directs and develops them. In this context, Cambridge Academy prioritizes investment in human resources and implements a personnel policy focused on job satisfaction, training, and continuous development of its employees.

Based on the loyalty and trust of its employees to the company, Cambridge Academy provides the opportunity for continuous development by contributing to the personal and professional development of its personnel, based on the principle that its employees are behind its success. Our company, which has a proactive and innovative approach, is among the leading companies in the sector with their “Total Quality Management” model understanding.

Candidates with high potential who believe that they can carry the company into the future and adopt the corporate culture can apply for jobs by sending their CVs to


  • To ensure that the employees take on tasks appropriate to their knowledge and abilities.
  • To keep the loyalty and satisfaction of the employees at the highest level.
  • To integrate human resources policies with company policies and create a corporate culture.
  • To create family awareness by keeping the morale and motivation of employees at all levels at the highest level.
  • To provide a safe and peaceful working environment in terms of the health and safety of the employee.
  • To determine an objective and fair wage policy.
  • To protect and develop all personal rights of the employee.
  • To provide internships for university students.